10 de October, 2023 Pedro Neves

Adult Surf Lessons: Learn to surf with experienced instructors

Adult surf lessons are specifically designed for the older folks who want to learn to surf or improve their surfing skills. These lessons provide a cool opportunity for adults to ride the waves and connect with nature, while developing balance, strength, and confidence.
There are several benefits to enrolling in adult surf lessons. It includes improving physical fitness, increasing body awareness, relieving stress, and enjoying a fun outdoor activity. Besides, surf lessons provide that sense of personal accomplishment when mastering a new skill.

During the lessons, instructors help adults learn the basic surfing techniques, like the right position on the board, paddling and balance techniques, and also teach how to catch waves and perform maneuvers. The lessons are tailored to meet the individual needs of the students and are conducted in a safe and supervised environment.

Before entering an adult surf lesson, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Learning to surf requires practice and patience, and it may take a while to reach a cool level of proficiency. However, with the right support and guidance from the instructors, it’s possible to progress quickly and enjoy unforgettable moments on the waves.

To make the most out of adult surf lessons, it’s recommended to be open to learning, be physically prepared, and choose the beach and right conditions for practice. It’s also essential to have the appropriate equipment like the surfboard, neoprene and wax.

Safety in Surf Lessons

In surf lessons, safety is a priority. Students should familiarize themselves with the practice location, follow the instructor’s instructions, be aware of sea conditions, and warm up well before entering the water. By following these precautions, it’s possible to enjoy a safe and rewarding surfing experience.
In summary, adult surf lessons are a great way to learn to surf, improve physical fitness, and enjoy thrilling moments on the waves. With dedication, practice, and proper guidance, adults can gain surfing skills and enjoy a revitalizing activity.

Key Points:

  • What are Adult Surf Lessons? Adult surf lessons are learning and practicing opportunities for older individuals wishing to enjoy the sea.
  • Benefits of Adult Surf Lessons: Besides exercising the body and mind, adult surf lessons offer the chance to socialize, relax, and enjoy nature.
  • How do Adult Surf Lessons work? The lessons include the introduction to basic techniques, practicing paddling and balance, and learning to catch waves and perform maneuvers.

What are Adult Surf Lessons?

Adult surf lessons are tailored instruction sessions for older folks who want to learn to surf or improve the skills they already have. These lessons are adjusted to meet the needs and capabilities of adults, with adequately trained instructors offering a suitable approach. During the lessons, you’ll learn paddling techniques, balance, how to position yourself on the board, and how to catch waves safely. Additionally, adult surf lessons might include a portion of physical conditioning to help participants improve health and endurance.

Benefits of Adult Surf Lessons

Surf lessons bring numerous benefits for adults interested in learning this extreme sport. Check out some benefits:

  • Connection with nature: Surf lessons take place in the sea, allowing a closer connection with nature and moments of peace.
  • Complete sport: Surfing works all the muscles in the body, providing excellent physical fitness.
  • Stress relief: Surfing is a highly relaxing way to wave goodbye to everyday stress.
  • Balance development: As you practice, you have to maintain balance on the board, which helps develop this skill.
  • Sociability: Surf lessons are usually in groups, providing interaction moments and the opportunity to make new friendships.

What are Adult Surf Lessons?

How do Adult Surf Lessons Work?

In this section, we’ll explore the different stages of adult surfing learning. From the introduction to basic techniques, through practicing paddling and balance, to finally catching waves and performing maneuvers. Prepare to dive into this exciting world of adult surfing and discover how each stage contributes to your progress in this challenging sport.

Introduction to Basic Techniques

The introduction to basic techniques is the first essential step in adult surf lessons. In this initial phase, students learn the fundamentals and basic skills required to balance on the board and paddle correctly.

  • Posture and balance: Instructors teach the correct position on the board and how to maintain balance during paddling.
  • Paddling: Students learn the correct paddling techniques to navigate through the waves and move in the water.
  • Pop-up: This technique consists of quickly transitioning from the lying to the standing position on the board.
  • Wave reading: Instructors explain how to read the waves and understand the best way to catch them.

These basic skills are fundamental for beginners and serve as the foundation for progress in adult surf lessons.

Paddling and Balance Practice

The practice of paddling and balance is a crucial part of surf lessons for adults. Here are some essential steps to master these skills:

  1. Warm up and stretch to prepare your body for the activity.
  2. Lie down on the board and start paddling forcefully, using your arms.
  3. Stand up slowly, maintaining balance and distributing the weight correctly.
  4. Bend your knees and keep your gaze fixed towards the horizon to maintain balance.
  5. Practice paddling and balance regularly in adult surf lessons to improve your skills over time.

Professional tip: To improve your balance, try performing core strengthening exercises outside the water, like planks and Russian twists. This will help enhance your stability during paddling and balance practice in surfing.

Catching Waves and Performing Maneuvers

Learning to catch waves and perform maneuvers is an exciting part of surf lessons for adults. During this stage, instructors teach advanced surfing techniques and maneuvers on the waves. Here’s a list of skills that can be learned:

  • Learn to paddle correctly to catch the waves.
  • Perfect balance on the board for better control.
  • Practice maneuvers like cutbacks, snaps, and aerials.

These skills help surfers become more confident and experienced in the sea, allowing them to make the most of the waves.

What to Expect from an Adult Surf Lesson?

What to Expect from an Adult Surf Lesson?

An adult surf lesson can be an exciting and challenging experience. During the lesson, participants learn basic techniques for paddling, standing on the board, and catching waves. The instructor provides guidance on safety, sea conditions, and correct positioning in the water. Participants also have the opportunity to practice and hone their skills in different wave conditions. An adult surf lesson offers fun, physical exercise, and the chance to learn an exciting new sport.

Tips to Make the Most of Adult Surf Lessons

With some simple tips, you can make the most of your adult surf lessons. Be open to learning, be physically prepared, and choose the right beach and conditions. Let’s discover how each of these tips can contribute to your learning experience and evolution in surfing.

Be Open to Learning

  • Adult surf lessons can provide an exciting and rewarding experience. To make the most of these lessons, it’s important to be open to learning and dedicated to the process. Here are some tips to get the most out of adult surf lessons:
  • Be willing to learn new surfing skills and techniques.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and have patience with yourself during learning.
  • Trust the instructor and follow their instructions for better results.
  • Be open to correcting mistakes and learning from them.
  • Practice regularly outside of lessons to hone your skills.

Professional tip: Don’t be afraid to fall or fail. Surfing is a challenging sport, but every fall and mistake are opportunities for learning and growth. Stay motivated and keep surfing!

Be Physically Prepared

It’s important to be physically prepared before participating in adult surf lessons. Here are some tips to prepare yourself adequately:

  • Warm up before entering the water to prevent muscle injuries.
  • Strengthen the muscles required for surfing, such as upper and lower limbs, the core, and back muscles.
  • Develop cardiovascular endurance through aerobic exercises, like running, swimming, or cycling.
  • Stay flexible by practicing stretching exercises regularly, especially focusing on leg, back, and shoulder muscles.
  • Adopt a balanced diet and stay hydrated to ensure energy and good performance.

By following these tips, you’ll be physically prepared to make the most of adult surf lessons.

Choose the Right Beach and Conditions

When selecting adult surf lessons, it’s essential to consider the beach and suitable conditions to maximize the experience. Some tips for making the right choice include: researching the wave type and the difficulty of the beach, evaluating the weather conditions, including wind and tides, checking if the beach has specific areas for beginners or more advanced surfers, and considering the presence of experienced instructors who can guide and ensure safety during the lessons. Choosing the beach and the right conditions not only enhances the enjoyment of the lessons but also ensures a safe and enjoyable experience.

Tips to Make the Most of Adult Surf Lessons

Essential Equipment for Adult Surf Lessons

In this section, we will explore the indispensable elements of equipment needed for adult surf lessons. From the perfect surfboard to the wetsuit, leash, and wax, discover everything you need to make the most of your surf lessons. Get ready to dominate the waves with confidence and style!


  • Choose a surfboard suitable for your skill level and surfing style.
  • Consider the size, width, thickness, and volume of the board when selecting.
  • Long boards are more stable and ideal for beginners, while short boards are more agile for advanced maneuvers.
  • There are different types of boards, like performance boards, hybrid boards, and funboards.
  • Consider the construction of the board, like fiberglass or epoxy, and its impact on performance and durability.
  • Take good care of your board, washing it, repairing minor damages, and storing it correctly, will extend its lifespan.

When choosing a surfboard, it’s important to try different models and receive guidance from an expert to ensure you have the right board for your needs and abilities. Remember to take good care of your board, and it will provide many good surf sessions.


The wetsuit is essential for adult surf lessons, as it offers protection against cold, wind, and sun rays, besides increasing comfort and buoyancy during the sport practice.

  • Size and thickness: Choose a wetsuit that fits your body well and has a suitable thickness for the water temperature.
  • Type of suit: There are different types of wetsuits, like the fullsuit, which covers the entire body, and the spring suit, which is shorter and suited for warmer waters.
  • Maintenance: After use, wash your wetsuit with fresh water and let it dry in the shade. Avoid exposing the suit to the sun for extended periods.
  • Sun protection: Besides thermal protection, choose a wetsuit that offers protection against sun rays to prevent skin burns.

With proper use of the wetsuit, you’ll be able to make the most of adult surf lessons, ensuring comfort, protection, and freedom of movement in the water.


A leash is essential equipment for adult surf lessons, as it helps ensure safety and convenience during surf sessions.

  • Prevents losing the board: The leash is attached to the surfer’s ankle, preventing the board from drifting away in the water after a fall.
  • Increased safety: In strong currents or crowded surf areas, the leash allows surfers to maintain control over their boards, reducing the risk of accidents and collisions.
  • Easy board recovery: When attached to the leash, the board can be easily recovered after a fall, saving time and energy for the surfer.
  • Convenience: The leash allows surfers to focus on their technique and enjoy the waves without worrying about losing the board.

Professional tip: Always check that the leash is securely attached to your board and your ankle to ensure maximum safety and peace of mind in the water.


Wax is an essential component for surf practitioners. It is used to provide grip for the surfers’ feet on the board, preventing slips. Wax is applied to the top of the board where the surfer lies or stands. It should be chosen according to the water temperature where surfing is practiced, as different temperatures require specific types of wax to improve grip. Additionally, it’s important to apply wax regularly to ensure its effectiveness.
History: Wax, as we know it today, was developed in the 60s by surfers in California, who were looking for a way to improve their grip on boards. From then on, wax became an indispensable item for surfers, providing more control and safety during maneuvers. Nowadays, there are various brands and types of wax available in the market, each suitable for different temperature conditions.

Safety and Precautions in Adult Surf Lessons

In this section, we will explore the importance of safety and precautions during adult surf lessons. We’ll discover how knowing the location, following the instructor’s instructions, being aware of sea conditions, and warming up properly can make all the difference in the student’s experience. Get ready to dive into these essential tips to make the most of your surf lessons!

Get to Know the Location

When participating in adult surf lessons, it’s important to get acquainted with the location where the classes will be held. Some factors to consider are the sea conditions, the presence of currents or underwater obstacles, and the topography of the beach. Knowing the location is crucial for ensuring safety during surf practice and avoiding accidents. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the location also allows you to better enjoy the waves and the specific features of that area. It is recommended to have the guidance of an experienced instructor who knows the location well and can provide important information for a safe and effective surf practice.
Fun Fact: Did you know that surfing is influenced by local factors such as the wind direction, the tide, and the formation of the seabed?

Follow the Instructor’s Instructions

Following the instructor’s instructions is essential during adult surf lessons.

  • 1. Stay attentive: Pay attention and absorb the instructor’s guidelines to ensure a safe and effective experience.
  • 2. Follow the example: Watch the instructor’s demonstrations and try to replicate the movements accurately.
  • 3. Ask when necessary: If doubts arise about the instructions, don’t hesitate to ask to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings.
  • 4. Practice repeatedly: Put the instructor’s guidelines into practice repeatedly to hone your skills.
  • 5. Keep an open mind: Be willing to receive constructive criticism from the instructor and to make necessary adjustments.

Remember that following the instructor’s instructions not only helps you progress in surfing but also is crucial for your safety. Therefore, always be willing to learn and improve your techniques.

Be Aware of Sea Conditions

Being aware of the sea conditions is essential for a safe adult surf lesson. It’s important to consider the size of the waves, the direction of the wind, and the currents. It’s crucial to pay attention to weather forecasts and surf reports to determine if conditions are favorable for surfing. Besides, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of swells, strong currents, and other dangerous conditions before entering the water. Prioritizing safety is crucial to make the most of adult surf lessons.

Warm Up Properly

Warming up properly before adult surf lessons is crucial to prevent injuries and improve performance. It’s important to start with mobility exercises and stretching to prepare the muscles and joints for physical exertion. Then, perform some light cardiovascular exercises like running or jumping rope to gradually increase body temperature. Finally, do some specific surf movements, like hip rotations and arm rotations. Proper warming up not only reduces the risk of injury but also increases blood flow and flexibility, allowing you to make the most of your adult surf lessons.

Some Facts About Adult Surf Lessons:

  • ✅ Adults over 35 years old can learn and improve their performance in surfing. (Source: salsurfingschool.com)
  • ✅ Surf lessons involve a combination of exercises of different intensities and durations, working different parts of the body. (Source: frsurf.com.br)
  • ✅ The typical duration of a surf session is 2 to 3 hours in free surf conditions. (Source: gosurfrio.com.br)
  • ✅ Surfing requires specific motor skills, technique, mental aptitude (tactics), and good physical fitness. (Source: gosurfrio.com.br)
  • ✅ Experienced and attentive teachers are available to offer adult surf lessons on various beaches, including Praia da Rainha and Riviera. (Source: caparicasurfacademy.com)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is more beneficial for a beginner: private lessons or group classes at a surf school?

For a beginner, both options have advantages. Private lessons offer more personalized guidance from the surf instructor, which can be beneficial for rapid evolution and adaptation to the aquatic environment. Group classes at a certified surf school by the Portuguese Surf Federation, provide a richer social experience and the opportunity to learn from other participants. In localities like Costa da Caparica or Carcavelos, you can find schools with well-structured introductory surf programs.

2. What is the typical duration of a package of adult surf lessons at a surf school?

The duration of a lesson package can vary, but many schools offer packages that run for a week or a weekend. Activities include not only surfing instruction but also surfing theory, and in some cases, technical improvement counseling.

3. What kind of physical preparation is needed before starting surf lessons?

Physical preparation can vary depending on one’s level, but a good starting point is to have good cardiovascular condition and some muscular strength. Surfing is an intense physical activity, so being in good physical shape will help you enjoy the lessons more. Additionally, knowing how to swim is essential for safety in the sea.

4. Want to know what equipment is provided by the surf school and what you need to bring?

Generally, surf schools provide boards and wetsuits. Some schools, certified by the Portuguese Surf Federation, may also provide softboards for beginners. You should bring comfortable clothes, a towel, sunscreen, and of course, a strong desire to learn. Don’t hesitate to contact us through the provided email for more information.

5. How can I choose the best surf school to hone my surfing technique?

When choosing a surf school, consider the location, the credentials of the instructors, and the reviews from other students. It’s important to choose an accredited school, with teachers accredited by the Portuguese Surf Federation or by the Faculty of Human Motricity. Surfing in Lisbon is an excellent choice, with schools in places like Carcavelos or Costa da Caparica.

6. Are there special packages for private surf lessons at the chosen beach school?

Many schools offer special packages for private lessons, which may include closer accompaniment by a certified coach, and techniques focused on improving your surfing. These lessons can take place throughout the year, including on holidays. To stay updated on all offers and news, subscribe to our newsletter.

Pedro Neves

Pedro is an experienced coach and manager of Caparica Surf Academy, one of the most recognised surf schools on the picturesque Costa da Caparica, Portugal. With a deep passion for the sea and surfing, Pedro is dedicated to teaching new generations of surfers, transmitting not only advanced surfing techniques but also respect and connection with the ocean.

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